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Another manifestation of Azerbaijani cynicism. Yerevan’s “anthem” was presented

August 14,2024 18:03

The ambitions of the Aliyev regime towards the territory of the Republic of Armenia are continuously growing. Besides declaring the territory of an internationally recognized independent state as Azerbaijan’s historical lands, Baku has expanded its propaganda efforts into the cultural sphere, particularly in the field of musicology.

Recently, the national anthem of the so called “Turkish Republic of Irevan” was presented, the content of which is about “liberating Yerevan from foreign hands and returning it.”

The author of the anthem is Azerbaijani people’s artist, composer Javanshir Guliyev, who, as he himself notes, is Ilham Aliyev’s favorite and supported him in the recent presidential elections. Guliyev had received the order to write the “anthem” back in 2021. Here, it is evident the aspiration of the “great historian” Aliyev to conquer heights in the field of musicology.

It should also be noted that the building of the Azerbaijan State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater, where the “composition” was played, was designed by Armenian architect Nikolai Bayev, and the building once belonged to the Mayilyan brothers.

The “Geghard” Scientific-Analytical Foundation condemns Azerbaijan’s policy towards the Republic of Armenia and considers the dissemination of an Azerbaijani or Turkish anthem about the capital of an internationally recognized state unacceptable. Official Baku is “brainwashing” the Azerbaijani society and continues to popularize aggressive, anti-Armenian sentiments.


“Geghard” Scientific and Analytical Foundation



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