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Unlimited YouTube for AMD 3000 monthly

August 16,2024 15:03

YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber, TikTok: these applications are the most popular among subscribers of Viva’s “Y” postpaid tariff plan. Most of the Internet is used for watching videos, with YouTube accounting for the majority of traffic. YouTube which is topping the list, is also the world’s leading streaming platform for viewing, creating, and sharing a variety of video content with more than 2.6 billion active users.

Approximately 21% of YouTube users worldwide are between the ages of 25 and 34. The rate is close among subscribers of postpaid tariff plan “Y”: the same age group of subscribers (25-34 years old) accounts for around 20% of users. However, under postpaid tariff plan “Y”, the largest age group using YouTube is 35-44 years old, making up 34% of users.

Unlimited YouTube is also an ideal opportunity especially for young people to promote their own channel and content on this platform.

Taking into account subscriber preferences, Viva has introduced unlimited YouTube access for subscribers of the postpaid tariff plan “Y”, which means that subscribers can use YouTube without consuming the main Internet package. Additionally, the amount of Internet included in the basic package has increased: 30 GB per month instead of the previous 20 GB.

The monthly fee for the tariff plan remains the same – AMD 3000, but the opportunities are now enriched and expanded.

“We always assess customers’ needs, analyze them, and offer solutions. This is how Viva’s services become the bests in the market. Although it was predictable and reflected in numbers, the demand for YouTube usage exceeds the demand for other communication applications on social platforms,” Armen Avetisian, General Director of Viva said.

A public opinion poll found that YouTube is used by more than 60% of Armenian media users. This also demonstrates that demand for YouTube exceeds that of other popular apps. The number of YouTube users increased significantly in the second quarter of 2024, compared to the first quarter, which is ongoing. This research is important for offering customers necessary and affordable tariff plans.

So, subscribers of the “Y” postpaid tariff plan can now use YouTube without consuming their main Internet package, and even more – 30 GB of Internet.

Stay informed, enjoy entertainment, listen to music, create or consume media content, participate in video trainings… Everyone can choose according to their preferences. The monthly fee remains unchanged: AMD 3000.

Viva: Internet around you

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