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Six documents signed during Vladimir Putin’s visit to Azerbaijan

August 19,2024 20:15
After the meetings of the presidents of Azerbaijan and Russia, Ilham Aliyev and Vladimir Putin, six documents were signed: three agreements and three memorandums, and a joint statement was adopted.
The intergovernmental agreements cover bilateral cooperation in the fields of food safety, quarantine and plant protection, health, medical education and science.
Memorandums of understanding were signed in the areas of labor, climate change and investment.

Russia and Azerbaijan are potentially considering the implementation of a new project on the Caspian Sea shelf. This was stated by Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Alexander Novak. According to him, Moscow and Baku also intend to continue cooperation in the electricity sector.

“As for bilateral cooperation, we have long-standing ties in the gas and oil and gas sectors, and joint projects are being implemented. In particular, such a project known as Shah Deniz, where our Russian company LUKOIL has almost 20%, has made a large amount of investment.

We have projects related to the supply of oil and petroleum products. In general, there are a number of new projects, including on the Caspian shelf, which are being considered potentially for joint implementation,” Novak said in an interview with RT.

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