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EU calls on Baku to sign a peace treaty with Yerevan before COP29: EUobserver

August 20,2024 14:02
The EU calls on the Azerbaijani authorities to sign a peace treaty with Armenia ahead of the 29th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP29) in Baku in November, EUobserver reports citing the European Commission (EC).
“It is time to take decisive steps towards a sustainable and lasting peace. Azerbaijan should seize the momentum of COP29 to sign peace with Armenia,” a commission spokesperson recently told EUobserver.
Back in May, the representative of the EU Foreign Relations Commission stated that COP29 is a good opportunity for Azerbaijan to reaffirm its commitment to international law.
“COP29 is an opportunity for Azerbaijan to reaffirm its commitment to its obligations under international law and to create conditions for the work of a free and independent civil society,” said the spokesperson for EU foreign policy.

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