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The Armenian leadership is sabotaging the agreement concerning transport routes via Armenia’s Syunik Province, which PM Nikol Pashinyan signed-Sergey Lavrov

August 20,2024 12:02

Russia puzzled by Armenia’s resistance to logistics corridor agreements

/TASS/. Russia is at a loss as to why Yerevan is sabotaging the agreements on setting up logistical corridors that run through Armenia’s Syunik Province, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said.

“We favor signing a peace treaty and unblocking these transport corridors as soon as possible. Regrettably, the Armenian leadership is sabotaging the agreement concerning transport routes via Armenia’s Syunik Province, which was signed by [Armenian] Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan. It is difficult to understand where they are coming from,” he told Channel One.

According to Lavrov, Moscow believes that it is essential to “follow the spirit and the letter of the series of trilateral agreements between the Russian, Azerbaijani, and Armenian leaders, which were reached in 2020-2022.” “They cover every aspect of the situation, as well as issues that need to be resolved to settle it fully and completely,” he said.

“The groundwork laid by the trilateral meetings and documents continues to be relevant,” Lavrov added.

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