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Armenia on track to welcome world’s tallest statue of Christ

August 22,2024 19:25 A 33-meter statue օf Jesus Christ on a 44-meter pedestal will soon rise on Mount Hatis․ Preparations for the installation of the statue are coming to an end.

The project was initiated by businessman Gagik Tsarukyan, leader of the Prosperous Armenia Party and former MP.

Ground for the monument was broken in July 2022, in the presence of the then Economy Minister Vahan Kerobyan and Secretary-General of the World Tourism Organization Zurab Pololikashvili.

“It was with excitement that I witnessed the groundbreaking ceremony for the installation of the statue of Christ in Armenia,” Pololikashvili said in a Twitter (now X) post after the ceremony.

While the government greenlighted the project, the Armenian Church disapproved the plans. The Mother See said the installation of a Christ statue does not correspond to the “centuries-old worship traditions” of the Armenian Church.


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