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Kamala Harris: A strong partner for Armenian Americans and our future

August 26,2024 14:02

by Jirair Ratevosian

The recent evolution of the Democratic ticket suggests a positive outlook for U.S.-Armenia relations and the Armenian American community. As we consider the possibility of a Kamala Harris presidency, it’s worth exploring how her economic policies might benefit Armenian Americans and the potential influence her leadership could have on the U.S.-Armenia relationship.

The Biden-Harris administration’s recognition of the Armenian Genocide in 2021 was more than a symbolic gesture; it was a landmark affirmation of the United States’ dedication to historical truth and justice. For Armenians, this acknowledgment was a long-overdue validation of our historical suffering and a pivotal step toward healing and reconciliation. Still, many within the Armenian community remain frustrated by the ongoing challenges in U.S. policy, particularly concerning the security of Armenia and the situation in Artsakh.

As a former State Department official in the Biden-Harris administration, I witnessed Vice President Harris’s deep understanding and empathy for the Armenian cause firsthand. Kamala Harris has consistently engaged with the Armenian American community, both as a senator and vice president. Representing California, home to the largest Armenian American population in the U.S., Harris was a steadfast advocate for Armenian issues, including the early recognition of the Armenian Genocide before it was officially acknowledged by the U.S. government. Her unwavering support for human rights and justice has deeply resonated with the Armenian American community, earning her their trust, admiration and an A-grade from the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) during her tenure as a senator. Her running mate, Tim Walz, has also demonstrated a strong track record of support as a former member of Congress.

A Harris presidency could bring fresh leadership to critical issues for Armenia and the Armenian diaspora at a time when the stakes could not be higher. Armenia’s shift toward the West, seeking stronger democratic institutions and economic partnerships, aligns perfectly with Harris’s vision of a democratic and prosperous world. Her administration would likely offer vital support for Armenia’s democratic reforms, ensuring the country’s journey toward transparent and accountable governance receives the backing it deserves.

Under the Biden-Harris administration, U.S.-Armenia relations have already deepened significantly, elevating them to the level of a “strategic partnership.” This enhanced relationship was further reinforced through high-level engagements by Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Deputy Secretary Richard Verma, underscoring the United States’ commitment to bolstering Armenia’s resilience and strengthening its democratic institutions.

Strengthening economic ties between the U.S. and Armenia would be a cornerstone of a Harris presidency. With a focus on innovation, technology and sustainable development, Harris could champion initiatives that foster economic collaboration, enhance trade and attract U.S. investments to Armenia, particularly in the areas of information technology and artificial intelligence. Such efforts would not only boost Armenia’s economy but also create new opportunities for American businesses to explore markets in the South Caucasus region.

On the issue of Artsakh, the Biden administration has been proactive, providing substantial development assistance to Armenia in response to Azerbaijani military actions that displaced thousands of ethnic Armenians from Artsakh/Nagorno-Karabakh. USAID Administrator Samantha Power’s visit to Syunik in July 2024, her second visit this year, exemplified this commitment, as she announced an additional $11.9 million in aid for digital transformation, food security, communication and risk mitigation. This adds to the over $65 million already provided by the U.S. government this year, highlighting the depth of U.S. support for Armenia during these challenging times.

Armenia’s strategic position, bordering volatile regions and facing persistent threats to its territorial integrity, makes U.S. support more crucial than ever. The Biden-Harris administration has already taken concrete steps to bolster Armenia’s defense capabilities. The increased Operation Eagle Partner exercises aimed at enhancing military interoperability and readiness between U.S. and Armenian forces exemplify this heightened cooperation. These exercises, coupled with the first bilateral joint military drills since 2008, signal a renewed emphasis on strengthening Armenia’s defense capabilities.

A Harris administration could further enhance Armenia’s defense posture by fostering greater cooperation in intelligence and counter-terrorism efforts, thereby fortifying Armenia’s security and contributing to regional stability. It would also ensure that U.S. foreign policy upholds the rights of communities like the Palestinians and Armenians, who face unique challenges in their quests for recognition and peace. By promoting diplomacy and dialogue, Harris could play a crucial role in fostering stability and understanding in both regions, supporting the aspirations of peoples who have long sought justice and self-determination.

In stark contrast, the chaotic administration of former President Donald Trump did little to support U.S.-Armenia relations in any substantive way. His erratic foreign policy decisions and lack of coherent strategy created uncertainties and weakened America’s stance on global issues, including its relationship with Armenia. Trump’s isolationist policies and favorable stance towards authoritarian leaders globally empowered despots like Azerbaijan’s President Alyiev, who recently stated, “During President Trump’s presidency, we enjoyed very fruitful cooperation based on mutual respect and appreciation of each other’s support on different tracks.” If Alyiev had a vote this November, it’s clear he would cast it for Trump.

Project 2025 — linked to Trump — would likely revive an isolationist foreign policy, prioritizing “America First” initiatives, reducing international engagement and focusing on domestic interests. This could diminish U.S. influence abroad and weaken global alliances. A Trump administration would likely ignore Armenia’s nuanced needs, potentially destabilizing the region further by withholding the support Armenia requires to counterbalance Russian influence.

Armenian Americans stand to benefit significantly from supporting Democrats, especially given the Biden-Harris administration’s focus on key issues affecting middle-class families. Efforts to lower prescription drug costs, combat inflation and reduce credit card fees have eased financial pressures. Expanded tax credits and family assistance programs provide crucial support, while actions on student loan forgiveness demonstrate a commitment to making higher education more accessible. These policies reflect a broader Democratic dedication to building a more equitable economy, offering tangible benefits to Armenian American families and the broader community.

Just last week, Vice President Harris unveiled an economic plan focused on tax cuts, housing and anti-price gouging measures. Key proposals include expanding the Child Tax Credit, banning grocery price gouging, building three million new housing units and offering down-payment assistance to first-time homebuyers. The plan also seeks to end taxes on tips for service workers and raise the minimum wage. These initiatives are part of her campaign’s priorities for the first 100 days if elected.

In conclusion, a Kamala Harris presidency promises to elevate U.S.-Armenia relations to new heights. By supporting Armenia’s democratic aspirations, strengthening economic and security ties, and providing reliable leadership, Harris could ensure that the United States remains a steadfast partner to Armenia for decades to come. Armenian Americans should vote for Harris not only because of her commitment to these values, but also because her vision for a better future aligns with the hopes and dreams of both the Armenian and American people.


The Armenian Weekly

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