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Sergey Mironov on Pavel Durov’s arrest: Elon Musk may be the next target

August 26,2024 12:02

The arrest of Telegram’s chief Pavel Durov confirmed that there has been no global of speech, Elon Musk may be the next target of Western “justice”, said the leader of the “A Just Russia – Patriots – For Truth” party and the faction in a State Duma Sergey Mironov.
“The arrest of Pavel Durov confirmed that there has been no European or even global (pro-Western) freedom of speech. No freedom for a long time. This is the subject of underhanded bargaining, and if the world’s bigwigs do not like the results of the bidding, anyone can be detained, arrested and imprisoned. The case of Assange has shown this, and the case of Durov now has confirmed it. Durov was wrong when he was afraid that he would be arrested anywhere but in the West.

All those charges that were brought against Pavel, it is quite possible to bring Zuckerberg, for example. Only the latter does not have a Russian passport and has agreements on cooperation with the US authorities.

Opinions are expressed that now Russian special services should pay attention to the French citizens, including mercenaries in Donbass, in order to prepare an exchange fund. But I think it is unlikely that Durov will be exchanged. Perhaps, as a result of the “investigative actions”, he will find himself overseas, in a completely different country. In a country that has been portraying the struggle for freedom of speech for decades, but acts on the contrary.

Assange, Durov. Musk get ready.


Press Office of Sergey Mironov, Party and Faction Leader of “A JUST RUSSIA — FOR TRUTH” in the Russian State Duma.

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