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New notions brought into line with existing legislation

August 30,2024 17:01

As a result of the reforms carried out in the field of disability, inconsistencies have arisen in the current legislation, and in order to eliminate them, the Executive proposes to make amendments and addenda to the RA Civil, Family, Administrative Offenses, Tax Codes and seven laws.

The RA Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Tatevik Stepanyan noted that the laws on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and on Assessment of Functionality of Person defined new concepts, as well as introduced a new disability assessment system. These laws apply a number of definitions, including ‘a person with a disability’, ‘a person with a deep, severe and moderate limitation of functionality’ and ‘functionality assessment’ and other definitions, which should also be fixed in the related laws, revising ‘disabled’, ‘1st, 2nd and 3rd group or order of disability’, ‘medical and social examination’ and other words. The proposed amendments and addenda are editorial in nature. The new wordings and concepts are brought into line with the current legislation.

The legislative package was debated and accepted in the first reading at the extraordinary sitting of the NA Standing Committee on Labor and Social Affairs on August 29. It was proposed to be included in the draft agenda of the eighth session of the National Assembly.


National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

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