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Vahan Kostanyan commended Organisation’s operative response to the health needs of forcibly displaced persons from Nagorno-Karabakh

August 31,2024 16:04

On August 30, Deputy Foreign Minister of the Republic of Armenia Vahan Kostanyan received Siddhartha Sankar Datta, the World Health Organization Representative, newly appointed Head of the WHO Country Office in Armenia, on the occasion of handing over the copy of his credentials.

Congratulating Siddhartha Sankar Datta upon the assumption of the important mission, Vahan Kostanyan highlighted the significance of strengthening and expanding cooperation with the WHO aimed at increasing the quality and inclusiveness of healthcare in Armenia.

In this context, Vahan Kostanyan commended Organisation’s operative response to the health needs of forcibly displaced persons from Nagorno-Karabakh and victims of the flood in the northern regions of Armenia, as well as the support to the Ministry of Health and the National Center for Disease Control of the Republic of Armenia.

During the meeting, the parties discussed the current course and prospective directions of program cooperation between Armenia and the WHO.


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

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