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Vahan Zanoyan: The priority task of the country should be to secure the release of its citizen.

September 01,2024 11:27

“The priority task of the country should be to secure the release of its citizen illegally detained in another country, rather than seeking pretexts for not doing so,” said Vahan Zanoyan.

“Especially in 2020, after the war, and seeing how threatened the future of Artsakh was, the fate of the people of Artsakh became one of the most important priorities for Ruben Vardanyan. He believed that this issue should become a priority for all Armenians. He has consistently acted solely in their interests, striving to achieve everything possible—and even the impossible—to ensure that they continue to live peacefully in their homeland. Before Ruben’s move to Artsakh, I personally participated in many discussions with him, which strengthened his decision to relocate. His decision to move to Artsakh was personal and conscious, driven by his conviction that he needed to stand by the people during such a challenging time,” said Vahan Zanoyan, a Diaspora Armenian writer, public speaker, and economist who knows Ruben Vardanyan very well, in an interview with, referring to Prime Minister Pashinyan’s thoughts about Vardanyan during the last press conference.

“For me, the Prime Minister of Armenia’s stance on Ruben Vardanyan is perplexing, given Vardanyan’s significant contributions to Armenia. He has invested substantial funds and spearheaded major educational and infrastructural programs and projects that have brought international recognition to Armenia and its people.

Currently, Ruben Vardanyan, a citizen of the Republic of Armenia, is unlawfully imprisoned in Baku. When a citizen of any country is held illegally in another country’s prison, especially under blatant violations of international law, it is imperative for the home country to prioritize securing their release rather than finding excuses for inaction,” noted Vahan Zanoyan.

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