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The Real Attitude Towards the Citizen

September 03,2024 23:28

I must admit that writing about politics is becoming increasingly difficult for me. The arrogant, cynical lies of politicians—both in Armenia and elsewhere—seem to require no further commentary. To be honest, whenever I discuss or write about these issues, I feel as though I am soiling myself with their filth. If there were no civic or state dimensions to these problems, I would refrain from discussing them altogether.

For several years now, the official propaganda of both Armenia and Azerbaijan has claimed that Ruben Vardanyan was sent to Armenia and then to Artsakh by Putin. However, no document, recording, or video has been presented as evidence to support this claim. It is clearly nothing more than an assumption, or rather, a rumor spread by Aliyev’s and Pashinyan’s teams to achieve their (I would say joint) goals.

But let us imagine for a moment that these assumptions are true. Does this mean that Armenian citizens suspected of being “sent” should no longer receive the support of their state? If Ruben Vardanyan, an Armenian citizen, was “sent,” should he be left to rot in an Azerbaijani prison for 20 years on the absurd charge of “supporting terrorism”?Or does the Armenian government also believe that he supported terrorism?

The problem here is not Vardanyan himself but rather the fact that Armenian citizens are being divided into two categories: those whom the authorities favor and those whom they do not, based on assumptions or suspicions. One group is considered “worthy” and receives state protection, while the other is deemed “unworthy.”

When citizens feel that they are being categorized based on their perceived loyalty, it creates a dangerous situation for the state.

Aram Abrahamyan

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