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108 devices measuring dust pollution have been installed in Yerevan: data is available to everyone online

September 17,2024 17:47

Air pollution levels in Yerevan today generally exceed established standards. The main reason is construction dust and exhaust gases.

To solve this problem,  Yerevan Municipality initiated a new program last year. Equipment measuring the level of dust in the air has been installed at the city’s construction sites. Up to now, 108 such devices have already been installed at construction sites of the 4th and 5th risk levels in Yerevan.
The data obtained with the help of the device is available online on the official website of the municipality. The highest pollution levels in Yerevan are observed in the administrative districts of Erebuni, Kentron and Shengavit. Avan and Davtashen are the cleanest.

The main solution to the problem is the restoration and expansion of green areas, the creation of forest buffer zones. This is, obviously, a long-term project. Before that, the community establishes daily control over the proper organization of construction sites, including the installation of dust-absorbing nets, which can significantly mitigate the situation.

The problem of air pollution in Yerevan is not only an environmental problem, but also a health one. The Municipality carries on implementation of projects in this direction.

Yerevan Municipality

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