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I will continue to work as I have for years, remaining committed to justice, transparency, and the protection of human rights principles. Taguhi Tovmasyan

September 19,2024 10:55

In fact, regarding the criminal proceedings initiated against me (in which I am still a witness), I have appealed to my international colleagues, including political figures and organizations involved in the protection of freedom of speech and human rights.

I expect effective support in combating the illegal pressure being exerted on me, as I consider the investigation by the Anti-Corruption Committee to be:

✔️a violation of my right to free speech, as defined internationally and enshrined in domestic law;

✔️an obstacle to my ability to act independently and freely as a Member of Parliament;

✔️pressure intended to prevent me from working to restore the violated rights of others;

✔️a prohibition on communicating with my international partners;

✔️an act of persecution for expressing my opinion.

Nevertheless, I will continue to work as I have for years, remaining committed to justice, transparency, and the protection of human rights principles.

Chairperson of the Standing Committee on Protection of Human Rights and Public Affairs of the National Assembly of RA, whose powers have been illegally terminated, nonpartisan MP TAGUHI TOVMASYAN

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