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Iva Petrova, head of the Armenian mission of the International Monetary Fund, highlighted the progress of reforms in the financial sector of Armenia, improvement of the investment environment and other directions for maintaining economic activity

September 19,2024 23:19

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan received Iva Petrova, head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) mission in Armenia.

The Prime Minister emphasized the importance of cooperation with the IMF for the development and stability of the economy in our country.

During the meeting, the interlocutors referred to the budgetary, monetary and currency policies of Armenia, as well as the tax policy and administration.

Iva Petrova, head of the Armenian mission of the International Monetary Fund, highlighted the progress of reforms in the financial sector of Armenia, improvement of the investment environment and other directions for maintaining economic activity.

The Prime Minister emphasized that maintaining macroeconomic stability and long-term economic development is a priority for the Armenian Government, and steps and reforms in that direction will be consistent.

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