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Aurora Humanitarian Initiative to Participate in the Clinton Global Initiative Annual Meeting in New York City

September 20,2024 11:13

A delegation of Aurora Humanitarians, Board Members, Selection Committee, and Leaders will contribute to conversations shaping the future of our world

Yerevan, September 20, 2024 – The Aurora Humanitarian Initiative announced today that it will attend the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) 2024 Annual Meeting in New York City on September 25, 2024. The Clinton Global Initiative brings together business, government and civil society leaders to drive progress on a number of issues including climate resilience, inclusive economic growth and recovery, health equity, the full participation of women and girls, and humanitarian response efforts to crises around the globe.

Aurora will be represented in a session titled “Innovating in a Time of Crisis,” a segment focused on the exacerbating factors on vulnerable populations around the globe and new ideas and solutions to address these critical issues. The panel will feature Chelsea Clinton, Vice Chair of the Clinton Foundation and member of the Aurora Prize Selection Committee; Armine Afeyan, Chief Executive Officer of the Aurora Humanitarian Initiative; and Dr. Iftikher Mahmood, Founder of HOPE Foundation for Women & Children of Bangladesh.

“Our participation in the Clinton Global Initiative annual meeting allows us to join forces with some of the world’s most prominent leaders and changemakers who are dedicated to tackling the most pressing challenges of our time,” said Armine Afeyan, CEO of the Aurora Humanitarian Initiative. “Through shared dialogue and purposeful action, we aim to highlight those who represent humanity’s best—people who courageously step up to save others and drive change in their communities and beyond.”
“The Aurora Humanitarian Initiative shines a light on the humanitarian leaders making a difference in communities around the world,” said Greg Milne, CEO of the Clinton Global Initiative. “We are privileged to have Aurora again at CGI this year and look forward to their insights into how we can drive progress on our greatest global challenges.”

In addition to participating at CGI, Aurora will also host an Aurora Dialogues panel discussion titled “Addressing Humanitarian Needs: From Global Strategies to Local Action.” In recognition of the International Day of Peace, this event will be held on the sidelines of the 79th high-level convening of the UN General Assembly in New York City, a time when global leaders converge to address pressing international issues.

About the Aurora Humanitarian Initiative.

Founded on behalf of the survivors of the Armenian Genocide and in gratitude to their saviors, the Aurora Humanitarian Initiative seeks to address on-the-ground humanitarian challenges around the world with a focus on helping the most destitute. Uniquely dedicated to discovering and supporting the world’s unsung humanitarian heroes to enable and raise awareness of their courageous work, Aurora has made a significant impact on the lives of those in greatest need. To date, Aurora has initiated and supported 430 projects in 56 countries and territories, benefiting almost 3.4 million people.
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About the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI)

Founded by President Bill Clinton in 2005, the Clinton Global Initiative is a community of doers representing a broad cross section of society and dedicated to the idea that we can accomplish more together than we can apart. Through CGI’s unique model, more than 10,000 organizations have launched more than 4,000 Commitments to Action — new, specific, and measurable projects and programs – that are making a difference in the lives of more than 500 million people in 180 countries.
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