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Armenian Young European Ambassadors visit EU Mission in Yeghegnadzor

September 20,2024 19:15

EU Neighbours. On 18 September, Young European Ambassadors (YEAs) in Armenia visited the office of the EU Mission in Armenia (EUMA) in Yeghegnadzor.

Nine YEAs took part in the visit. Head of EUMA, Markus Ritter, presented the EUMA’s mandate and mission and answered the YEAs questions.

YEAs also had the chance to present the initiative, which was followed by an open discussion around the role of youth in the overall confidence building efforts.

“The meeting was a step towards building more youth-oriented societies by directly engaging us – young people – in a dialogue,” said YEA Syuzi Noroyan.

The Young European Ambassadors (YEAs) initiative brings together socially engaged youth from the six Eastern partner countries, the European Union and the United Kingdom to foster dialogue and to raise awareness about the EU and its cooperation with its Eastern partner countries.

The EU Mission in Armenia (EUMA) is tasked with observing and reporting on the situation on the ground, contributing to human security in conflict-affected areas and supporting confidence building between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

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