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Ambassador Lilit Makunts was hosted at the Middle East Institute (MEI) for a discussion with fellows from the MEI’s Black Sea Program

September 24,2024 10:53

On September 13, 2024, Ambassador Lilit Makunts was hosted at the Middle East Institute (MEI) for a discussion with fellows from the MEI’s Black Sea Program.

Three of the four fellows presented the findings of their research focused on the normalization between Armenia and Azerbaijan, while the fourth fellow focused on Romania’s defense and military industry and the potential cooperation between Armenia and Romania in this field. Dr. Iulia-Sabina Joja, Director of the Black Sea Program, moderated the discussion and led a Q&A session between the Ambassador and the scholars.

Ambassador Makunts commended the fellows for their insightful research. While emphasizing the Armenian government’s commitment to fostering lasting peace and stability in the region, the Ambassador welcomed the fellows’ contributions to deepening the understanding of regional dynamics, particularly in the context of the ongoing challenges in the South Caucasus and Black Sea regions.

*The Black Sea Program, funded by the U.S. Department of State, supports U.S. scholars conducting research on the Black Sea region. Through fieldwork and collaboration with both U.S.-based and regional experts, the Program aims to deepen the understanding of the area’s strategic importance and enhance U.S. policy capabilities. The Program also provides fellows with opportunities to carry out field research in Black Sea countries aligned with their specific research goals.

Established in 1946, the Middle East Institute is the oldest Washington, D.C.-based think tank devoted exclusively to the study of the Middle East, which offers expert policy analysis, educational initiatives, professional development programs, and serves as a vibrant center for the region’s arts and culture.

Embassy of Armenia to the United States

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