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“People are deprived of the opportunity to visit the Nerkin Hand St. Hripsime church and the cemetery, because they are under Azerbaijani occupation”

September 24,2024 21:34

The working group headed by Arman Tatoyan carried out fact-finding mission in the village of Nerkin Hand of the Kapan municipality of the Syunik province.

1. The ” Shikahogh ” state reserve of Syunik province is in danger. In particular, after occupying parts of the territory of Armenia in the part of the village of Nerkin Hand of Kapan community of the Syunik province, the armed servicemen of Azerbaijan carry out large-scale unlawful cutting of trees.

According to our preliminary study, approximately 10,000 trees have already been felled: eastern and common hornbeam, georgian and large acorn, taxus baccata, eastern beech and platanus, etc. Additionally, in the immediate vicinity of Nerkin Hand village, the reserve has many plants registered in the Red Book, including herbs and tree species (Primula elatior, Centaurea, Armenian Hypericum, etc.).

2. Trees and other vegetation have been extensively destroyed by the Azerbaijani armed servicemen to build military inter-positional and other military roads. Large vehicles move on those roads, heavy equipment is transported. As a result of all this, the risk of landslides has increased, which has caused serious environmental problems, and there is also a risk of extinction of local wild animals. As a result of irregular felling and uprooting of trees, the water content in the soil increases, the soil becomes heavy, causing landslides.

3. Drinking water is a critical issue in Nerkin Hand, people continue to use river water to meet their domestic needs. The sources of drinking water remained in the territories of Armenia that are under by the Azerbaijani occupation.

4. The fact-finding mission in Nerkin Hand confirmed the almost daily explosions of mines in the Azerbaijani-invaded parts of Armenia.

Research was done in connection with several Azerbaijani positions. In particular, it turned out that both anti-tank TM-57, as well as anti-personnel O3M-72 and ПMH-2 mines were installed. TM-57 mines are placed at a distance of 70-80 m from the military positions, and anti-personnel O3M-72 mines are placed at a distance of about 30 m from the position, with a continuous damage radius of 25 m, ПMH-2 mines are placed at a distance of 10-15 m from the positions on.

This data is currently being processed and details will be provided later.

5. Animal husbandry and pig farming, which are the primary sources of livelihood for village Nerkin Hand, have disappeared not only due to the loss of pastures, but also due to the loss of animals from landmine explosions.

6. People are deprived of the opportunity to visit the Nerkin Hand St. Hripsime church and the cemetery, because they are under Azerbaijani occupation. The village has a new cemetery, but people avoid using there because of the danger of becoming an Azerbaijani target. In 2022 after the September Azerbaijani armed attacks, one person was buried there, in other cases, the burial is carried out at the Kapan cemetery.

7. People were deprived not only of pastures, a means of livelihood, but also of drinking water, gardens, arable lands, grasslands. For example, one of the residents of the village lost more than 700 hectares of land, more than 400 productive trees (persimmon, apples, pears), of which the annual yield of only gold crests was 5-6 tons.

On the basis of the currently mentioned, as well as other recorded data, necessary documents are being developed in a proper procedure, which will be the basis for several international initiatives.

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