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Leo to represent Armenia at the 2024 Junior Eurovision Song Contest

September 28,2024 22:38

Leo will represent Armenia at the 2024 Junior Eurovision Song Contest. As always, Armenia’s representative was chosen through open auditions and a detailed selection process, curated by an expert focus group consisting of both local and international industry professionals. As a result, 10-year-old Leo was selected as Armenia’s representative.

Leo was raised in a family of singers and began singing along with talking since he was 8 months old. His favorite artists are Michael Jackson, Frank Sinatra, Justin Timberlake and Teddy Swims. In addition to music, he enjoys football and reading.

Taking part in the Junior Eurovision Song Contest has been a lifelong dream for Leo: “I love my country and the world of music. Representing Armenia on an international stage through music is both joyful and incredibly responsible. I was taught to always believe in myself and I am sure that each and every human has a great power to reach for their dreams!”.
The song and music video for Armenia’s entry will be released soon.

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