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Byblos Bank Armenia named General Sponsor of YSU Faculty of Economics and Management’s 90th anniversary events

September 30,2024 18:52

Byblos Bank Armenia is the General Sponsor of the jubilee celebrations marking the 90th anniversary of
the Faculty of Economics and Management of Yerevan State University.

The year at the Faculty promises to be exciting, featuring several significant events, including an
International Conference, a Ceremonial Session, the publication of an illustrated book-album that
highlights the Faculty’s 90-year history, and the creation of a short film about the Faculty.
“The Faculty of Economics and Management at YSU plays a critical role in Armenia’s economic
development. The faculty has a longstanding tradition of training professionals who have significantly
contributed to structures of strategic importance for the country, especially in finance and beyond. I am
pleased to see that the faculty continues to educate and inspire new generations, and I take pride in
Byblos Bank Armenia’s support of this mission,”; said Hayk Stepanyan, the Bank’s Chief Executive Officer
and an alumnus of the faculty.

“The anniversary is a great opportunity to reflect on our accomplishments and plan for future endeavors.
The faculty with almost a century of experience is moving forward step by step. We are committed to the
important mission we have undertaken, and along the way we have our partners on our side in important
initiatives for the Faculty. The YSU Faculty of Economics and Management has a rich experience of
effective and comprehensive cooperation with Byblos Bank Armenia, within the framework of which the
Bank implemented many programs aimed at the development of the Faculty. We highly value our strong
partnership with the Bank and we are hopeful that we will be able to implement new bilateral cooperation
projects as well. Thank you for being by our side”; said YSU Faculty of Economics and Management Dean
Karlen Khachatryan.

“The anniversary is a wonderful chance to reflect on our accomplishments and plan for future endeavors.
With nearly a century of experience, our faculty is moving forward steadily. We are committed to the
important mission we’ve embraced, supported by our partners in key initiatives for the Faculty. The YSU
Faculty of Economics and Management has a strong track record of effective collaboration with Byblos
Bank Armenia, which has launched numerous programs to support our development. We greatly value our
partnership with the Bank and look forward to implementing new projects together. We appreciate the
support”; said Karlen Khachatryan, the Dean of the YSU Faculty of Economics and Management.

Some 40 distinguished scientists from institutions like Harvard University, Cornell University, Sorbonne
University, University of the Azores, Lomonosov University, St. Petersburg University, the Harvard Business
School, and other top-ranked universities will attend scientific conference in Armenia from October 8-10.
The next significant event in the anniversary celebrations will be the solemn meeting of the YSU Faculty of
Economics and Management, scheduled for October 31 at the Aram Khachatryan Concert Hall, with
approximately 1,300 guests expected to attend.
Byblos Bank Armenia and the University have a history of successful joint projects. In particular, under a
memorandum of cooperation signed between the Bank and YSU high-achieving YSU students receive a
nominal scholarships and tuition reimbursement.

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