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AGBU Pasadena-Glendale Chapter Celebrates Successful 9th Annual Armenian Fest with Weekend of Sports and Community Engagement

October 05,2024 22:16

Pasadena, CA – September 29, 2024 – The 9th Armenian Fest, hosted by the AGBU Pasadena-Glendale Chapter, took place from Thursday, September 26, through Sunday, September 29, at the AGBU Vatche & Tamar Manoukian Center in Pasadena. The highly anticipated event featured a vibrant lineup of basketball and volleyball games, uniting both Armenian and non-Armenian teams from the local community, many of whom have supported these games for over a decade.

Throughout the long weekend, spectators enjoyed a series of competitive matches with teams representing various age groups. AGBU’s boys’ teams, ranging from ages 6 to 16, demonstrated outstanding skill and sportsmanship. In particular, the 12- and 14-year-old teams stood out, using this tournament as a key preparation for their upcoming participation in the AGBU Toronto tournament in mid-October, where they will face teams from the Toronto and Montreal Chapters.

A special highlight of the weekend came from the volleyball matches. The AGBU girls’ volleyball teams competed in their final games on Sunday, facing off against teams from Homenetmen Ararat and Homenetmen Los Angeles. These young athletes are seen as the cornerstone of the Chapter’s future volleyball program, offering a glimpse into the promising talent that will drive the Chapter’s sports ambitions forward.

“Watching our teams perform and seeing the unity and support from the community is truly inspiring,” said Coach Zorik Isajane, the event’s Sports Coordinator. “The hard work and dedication of these young athletes were evident on the court, and I am proud of their accomplishments this weekend.”

The tournament’s success was made possible through the tireless efforts of Mr. Barouyr Amirian, Sports Committee Chair, and his dedicated committee, along with the Chapter Board. Their meticulous planning and commitment have ensured the success of this annual event for the ninth consecutive year.

Mr. Amirian expressed his gratitude, saying, “A special thanks to Mr. Serge Zavzavadjian, Chairman of the Pasadena-Glendale Chapter, and Mr. Hrant Vartzbedian, AGBU Western Region Chapters Relations Manager, for their unwavering dedication in ensuring the success of yet another tournament.”

As the festival concluded, attention has already turned to next year’s milestone event, the 10th Armenian Fest. The AGBU Pasadena-Glendale Chapter is eager to welcome the community once again for a bigger celebration in 2025, marking a decade of sportsmanship, teamwork, and cultural pride.



Chapter Relations Manager | AGBU Western Region

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