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“It is an Ode to a Man who, Despite all the Hardships and Obstacles, Never Stopped Believing in Peace, Goodness, and Justice”

October 08,2024 20:01

Speech by the director of the publishing house “Newmag” Artak Aleksanyan at the presentation of the book about Ruben Vardanyan

Dear ladies and gentlemen, dear friends!

Today we have gathered here to celebrate and present a book dedicated to an extraordinary person—Ruben Vardanyan. His journey, his ideas, and his contribution to public life deserve special attention, and that is why this book has become an important milestone in documenting his legacy.

On the other hand, we do not know how this presentation will affect Ruben himself. Perhaps it will serve as a pretext for new trials. Therefore, I would like to clarify in advance: this presentation is an initiative of the Newmag publishing house and Ardshinbank. The Vardanyan family is here as guests. They have no connection to the book, the video materials shown today, or the event itself. This is for the record.

Ruben Vardanyan is a man with a huge heart and an endless belief that each of us is capable of making the world a better place. Unfortunately, today Ruben is in detention in Azerbaijan. This fact only highlights how uncomfortable his ideas and actions can be for those who fear change, justice, and truth. However, his voice cannot be silenced.

Artak Alexanyan and Ruben Vardanyan’s wife -Veronika Zonabend

He once said: “Life is not just about moving from one day to another. It’s about realizing that you can leave something behind. And that ‘something’ should benefit society.”

His words inspire, and they serve as a reminder to each of us about what truly matters. Ruben has always been a person who sought to build bridges between people, cultures, and nations. He believed in the power of cooperation and dialogue. He emphasized, “True strength is not in division, but in bringing people together to solve common problems.”

Today, as he remains in captivity, his ideas continue to live on and resonate in the hearts of those who believe in a bright future for all peoples. And this book is not just his biography or the story of his life. It is an ode to a man who, despite all the hardships and obstacles, never stopped believing in peace, goodness, and justice.

Ruben always said: “The meaning of life is not in everything around you being perfect, but in being able to make something better for others.”

Today, more than ever, these words resonate with special strength. We must continue his work, carry forward his ideas, and fight for the world he dreamed of building. And fight for him. We have no right to remain silent when the truth demands a voice. We must continue the fight for justice and freedom. For Ruben. In Ruben’s name. And God willing, with Ruben!

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