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Aliyev’s Goal: The Dissolution of the Armenian State

October 18,2024 12:00

A message surfaced online claiming that Azerbaijan is demanding international monitoring of Armenia’s mining industry, with Azerbaijani and international specialists participating. This “demand” was voiced by a relatively minor official, the chairman of the public council attached to the Ministry of Economy.

This situation draws a natural parallel to the events nearly two years ago, when, on December 12, 2022, Azerbaijani “environmental activists” initiated the siege of Artsakh. They claimed to protest against the mining operations in Artsakh. The blockade, which proceeded with the complete inaction of Russian “peacekeepers,” followed Pashinyan’s recognition of Artsakh as part of Azerbaijan in October of that year during talks in Prague.

Let me also remind you that just four days into the blockade, on December 16, 2022, Richard Moore, the head of the UK’s Secret Intelligence Service (MI6), visited Armenia and met with the Prime Minister. Prior to this, there were reports that the Drombon and Kashen mines in Artsakh had been transferred to the British company Anglo Asian Mining by decree of Aliyev. Historically, British intelligence and diplomacy have prioritized their country’s economic interests.

It is not out of the question that far-reaching economic schemes related to Armenia’s mines are in play. However, the immediate goal of these “demands” is simple: to exert economic pressure on Armenia. When coupled with concerns about Armenia’s nuclear power plant, protests against Armenia’s military developments, and demands for constitutional changes, it is evident that Azerbaijan is actively working to dismantle Armenian statehood.

Some officially claim that Aliyev is merely seeking revenge for the period between 1994 and 2020. While that may be a factor, from a purely political perspective, his primary aim is Armenia’s complete capitulation—essentially, the dissolution of the Armenian state. When discussing the so-called “peace agenda,” “peace crossroads,” or “peace treaty,” this reality should be kept in mind.

Aram Abrahamyan

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