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The Government plans to digitize the services provided in the processes of obtaining or terminating citizenship

October 18,2024 10:15

A regular Cabinet meeting took place, chaired by Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan.

The Government approved the bills “On Amendments to the Law on Citizenship of the Republic of Armenia” and “On Amendments to the Law on State Duties”. As a result of the adoption of the bills, the services provided in the processes of obtaining and terminating citizenship will be digitized, the proceedings will be carried out electronically, as a result of which the efficiency of the processes of granting and terminating citizenship will be significantly improved, the financial efficiency of these processes will increase, financial and human resources will be saved, the quality of the services will be improved, and the the amount of the state fee for the examination of cases of obtaining citizenship or termination of citizenship will be changed.

The Government adopted a decision “On organizing a procurement process with a one-person procurement procedure” due to the need to acquire transport and mobility consulting services within the framework of the design and development of the infrastructure of the Academic City. The need to organize the procurement process with a one-person procurement procedure is due to the requirement to involve a company with a high international reputation and exceptional experience in the development of components necessary for the implementation of the project. According to the substantiation, it was considered appropriate to delegate the provision of consulting services regarding the transport and mobility of the Academic City to the “Systematica” company, established and operating in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Italy. The latter, as a consultant, was partially involved in the development of the concept of the master plan of the Academic City by the company “GmbH Architects and Engineers”. The scope of services was negotiated with the company, and it was coordinated with the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure and the “Road Department” Fund of Armenia.

The Government approved the 2024-2040 strategy for improving the demographic situation of the Republic of Armenia. The strategy will contribute to the achievement of the following goals: creating an environment that promotes family well-being where each child’s birth contributes to the development of human capital, reducing risk factors for death, and promoting a healthy environment to reduce the deterioration and loss of human capital throughout the human lifespan. Conditions for active, healthy and dignified life for older persons will be ensured by involving the representatives of the older generation in the socio-economic life of the state and increasing their potential, reducing the motivations leading to emigration and ensuring competitiveness in the processes of formation, preservation and involvement of highly qualified human capital. As a result, it is expected to have a balanced and stable structure of the population, aimed at the long-term human capital development of the population and the improvement of the quality of life.

The Office to the Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia

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