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An Appeal To The Armenian People In Defence Of The Legitimate Rights Of The People Of Artsakh

November 02,2024 21:25

On the occasion of COP29 UN Climate Change Conference in Baku (Azerbaijan) – November 2024 – We, the three spiritual leaders, express once more our frustration and concern regarding Azerbaijan’s war, blockade (2020-2023) and forced evacuation of 120.000 Armenians from their historical homeland; the planned destruction of Armenian religious and historical monuments and the illegal imprisonment of political leaders.

Hence, as spiritual leaders devoted to serve God the Almighty and our people, as well as, committed to the principles of justice, peace and protection of human rights, we cannot remain silent regarding Azerbaijan’s breach of the human rights of the Armenian population of Artsakh, their historical homeland. We cannot also remain indifferent to the silence of the international community.

Therefore, we draw the attention of our spiritual and community leaders to the following actions:

a) On the eve and during the COP29 International Conference in Baku, advocate and raise awareness on the continuing injustice against the Armenian people of Artsakh. Demand their right of return to their historical land and regain their sovereignty, under the protection of the international community.
b) Mobilize all our resources in defense of the rights of Armenians of Artsakh through advocacy among political, governmental and diplomatic circles, as well as through inter-religious and inter-church relations.
c) During church services hold special prayers for the quick liberation of the prisoners of Artsakh jailed by Azerbaijan: political leaders, government officials, military personnel, soldiers and advocates for the cause.

Currently, our nation is at a critical conjuncture and faces many challenges. It is therefore, imperative to unite and reorganize our resources around a pan-Armenian agenda. We must to be prudent and far-sighted. The national values should take precedence over all other considerations.
We pray God to protect our nation and our homeland from all evils and dangers in the world.

His Holiness Catholicos Aram I
Armenian Church, Holy See of Cilicia
His Beatitude Catholicos-Patriarch Raphaël Bedros XXI
Armenian Catholic Church
Rev. Dr. Paul Haidostian
President of the Union of the Armenian Evangelical
Churches in the Near East
Saturday, 2 November 2024
Antelias, Lebanon

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