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Armenian Assembly Delegation Holds Meetings in France, Pays Respects to Missak Manouchian

November 23,2024 19:19

Assembly delegation at the National Convention in Paris, France, including Assembly Life Trustee Dr. Noubar Afeyan, Assembly President Carolyn Mugar, Assembly Co-Chair Anthony Barsamian, and Assembly Executive Director Bryan Ardouny, who traveled from Armenia to join the delegation

Washington, D.C. – As Azerbaijan hosted COP29, with its dictator president railing against France for its support of Armenia, an Armenian Assembly of America delegation with Co-Chair Anthony Barsamian, President Carolyn Mugar, Life Trustee Noubar Afeyan and Executive Director Bryan Ardouny traveled to Paris and thanked France for its support and discussed the importance of continued engagement for the betterment of the Armenian people, and Armenia’s sovereignty and security with numerous officials. Following Aliyev’s inflammatory remarks against France and Europe, the country pulled its high-ranking delegation from attending COP29.  

Assembly delegation at the Pantheon to pay respects to Missak and Meline Manouchian

During the visit, and along with members and supporters of the Foundation For Armenian Science And Technology (FAST), the delegation also paid its respects to the legacy of Missak and Melanie Manouchian, Armenian resistance fighters during World War II in France, who were inducted into Paris’s Panthéon mausoleum earlier this year.

“The Assembly was humbled to have paid its respects to the Manouchian family. Missak’s legacy within the French Resistance is a testament to the strong and enduring bonds between the Armenian and French people,” said Assembly Co-Chair Anthony Barsamian. “We greatly appreciate the continued support of the French as Armenia faces existential threats from Azerbaijan,” Barsamian continued.

Assembly delegation at the FAST gala in Paris, alongside

Minister of Labour Astrid Panosyan-Bouvet,

and Member of the European Parliament François-Xavier Bellamy

While in France, Assembly leaders also attended a gala for FAST, an ecosystem of innovation to lead scientists, technologists, and innovators in Armenia and beyond to success on the global stage.

“We applaud FAST for its important work and were honored to be part of a special evening in support of its mission,” Barsamian added.

Established in 1972, the Armenian Assembly of America is the largest Washington-based nationwide organization promoting public understanding and awareness of Armenian issues. The Assembly is a strictly non-partisan, 501(c)(3) tax-exempt membership organization.

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