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As we approach the New Year, I’m happy that the bonds between the people of the United States and Armenia, are stronger than ever. Kristina Kvien

December 30,2024 13:14

New Year’s Greetings from U.S. Ambassador Kristina Kvien

As we come together with friends and family to celebrate the holiday season, I want to extend my very best wishes for a New Year filled with peace, happiness, and prosperity.

Holidays are a time to reflect upon all we have accomplished together and plan for the year ahead. 

As we approach the New Year, I’m happy that the bonds between the people of the United States and Armenia, are stronger than ever. I look forward to continuing to develop our countries’ relationship in 2025.  I am grateful for the warmth and friendship you have shown me and my family during our time in Armenia. You have helped, make Yerevan feel like home.

We have enjoyed starting new holiday traditions here, including finding vintage tree decorations at vernissage.

May your holidays be filled with joy, peace, and love.

Merry Christmas and a very happy New Year

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