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Parliament debates issue of electing Chair of the RA NA Standing Committee on Health Care

January 20,2025 18:34

The RA NA Civil Contract Faction nominated Arsen Torosyan’s candidacy in the position of Chair of the Standing Committee on Health Care.

At January 20 RA NA regular sitting, the issue of electing Chair of the Standing Committee on Health Care of the National Assembly.

The Secretary of the RA NA Civil Contract Faction Artur Hovhannisyan presented the candidate’s biography and the work activity.

Arsen Torosyan thanked the NA Civil Contract Faction for nominating his candidacy. He also thanked the former Chair of the Committee Narek Zeynalyan for effectively organizing the works of the Committee in recent 6 years.

Referring to the concept of ‘healthcare,’ the candidate noted that it is even more economically beneficial to invest in health care than to engage in patient care. He emphasized the importance of screening programmes aimed at preventing diseases.

Speaking about the reforms that have taken place in the healthcare system since independence, as well as the halt in the continuity of reforms, Arsen Torosyan emphasized that processes must be consistent and access to services must be ensured through centralized management.

Arsen Torosyan answered the MPs’ questions, touched upon specific cases: the cost-effectiveness of the programmes, the issue of primary health care, quality, accessibility and public trust in it, comprehensive health insurance, healthy lifestyle, and the vision aimed at having a healthy environment. In this context, the candidate highlighted the importance of the “Healthy Lifestyle” course in the school curriculum, the “School Nutrition” programme.

In the format of exchanging ideas, the MPs raised issues related to the activities of primary health care units in the regions, the availability of outpatient clinics in rural areas, access to emergency medical services, the modernization of medical equipment, and the development of health tourism. It has been proposed to create a platform that would allow Armenian citizens to apply for treatment of unique diseases abroad or to purchase necessary medications.

In his final speech, Arsen Torosyan, addressing the questions raised by the MPs, presented clarifications. He proposed the attendees to organize work debates in the framework of the raised issues.


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