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Our government has done and is doing everything possible to ensure that Armenia has a modern, strong, and combat-ready army. Alen Simonyan

January 28,2025 11:15
Alen Simonyan’s message on 33rd Anniversary of Formation of RA Armed Forces

Dear compatriots, officers and, of course, our beloved servicemen!

I congratulate all of us on the occasion of the 33rd anniversary of the Army of the Republic of Armenia.

Since the establishment of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Armenia, our army has faced various challenges, and is now on the path of development and reforms. It is true that it is not that easy, but our government has done and is doing everything possible to ensure that Armenia has a modern, strong, and combat-ready army, which will become the guarantor and defender of the independence, security, and sovereignty of our state.

I express special gratitude to all the servicemen standing at our borders at this moment, thanks to whom we are able to live and create peacefully in our country. I wish them good service under a peaceful sky.

I bow to the memory of all the immortalized brave soldiers of our army, thanks to whom the Republic of Armenia stands.

Glory to the Armenian Army!

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