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The Prime Minister meets with representatives of Armenian community in the US

February 04,2025 10:09

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan met in Washington with representatives of the Armenian community in the US.

During the meeting, Prime Minister Pashinyan answered a number of questions of interest to those present.

The Prime Minister touched upon the processes taking place in and around Armenia, the ideological transformation taking place in Armenia. In his speech, Nikol Pashinyan emphasized that the Republic of Armenia itself is the highest goal and there cannot be a higher national goal than the Republic of Armenia. The Republic of Armenia is not a means to achieve other goals, but the Republic of Armenia itself is the goal, the highest goal.

During the meeting, the Prime Minister touched upon the ideology of Real Armenia, the balancing and balanced policy, Armenia’s internal and external challenges and the Government’s steps to confront them.

The Office to the Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia

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