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RA NA President meets with President of Chamber of Deputies of Italy

February 20,2025 18:50

The RA NA President Alen Simonyan met with the President of Italy’s Chamber of Deputies Lorenzo Fontana.

Thanking his colleague for warm reception, Alen Simonyan noted that the Protocol on Cooperation signed by Lorenzo Fontana and him in Palma, Spain, in April last year is gradually entering the implementation phase, one of the practical manifestations of which is the current visit of the delegation led by him to Rome.

Welcoming the RA NA President in Italy, Lorenzo Fontana underscored that this visit is a good opportunity to discuss the partnership relations between the two countries and parliaments, as well as issues regarding Armenia’s European integration.

The latter presented to Alen Simonyan the Resolution adopted by the Senate of Italy, which in particular, obliges the Italian Government to promote diplomatic actions aimed at the peace process between Armenia and Azerbaijan, contributing to the establishment of lasting and stable peace in the region.

Alen Simonyan also drew Lorenzo Fontana’s attention to the issue of Armenian prisoners being held in Azerbaijan.

At the end of the meeting, the RA NA President invited his Italian colleague to Armenia.


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