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Renowned director Vladimir Baycher teaches at Yerevan State Theatre and Film Institute

March 06,2025 00:14

One of the key priorities of the Strategic Development Programme of the Yerevan State Theatre and Film Institute is the engagement of experienced international lecturers to enhance the quality of higher education and contribute to the development of the field.

Within the framework of a grant from the Carnegie Foundation, from February to June, the YSTFI will host Vladimir Baycher, a highly regarded director in the region and a qualified professor of the Michael Chekhov acting method, who will conduct masterclasses in directing and acting skills. He is the head of the Michael Chekhov Centre and a co-founder of the Michael Chekhov International Studio (Russia, Germany, England, Latvia).

Undergraduate and postgraduate students will have the opportunity to acquire both theoretical knowledge and practical skills aligned with the demands of contemporary theatre arts. Vladimir Baycher shares his expertise, focusing on the challenges of modern directing, innovative approaches and their practical applications, as well as current trends in the development of acting skills. Upon completion of the course, students will have the opportunity to present their creative works in the form of performances, under Baycher’s supervision.

This collaboration marks a significant step towards the modernisation of educational programmes and the professional training of specialists in line with international standards. Such initiatives provide extensive opportunities for strengthening the institute’s position in the global educational arena and ensuring high-quality education.

It is worth noting that Vladimir Baycher graduated in 1994 from the Directing Faculty of the Russian Institute of Theatre Arts (GITIS), where he studied under the supervision of Professor Leonid Kheifets. He has directed more than sixty performances, many of which have received awards at international festivals.

From 2006 to 2017, he was the Artistic Director of the «Chekhov Studio» Theatre at the A. P. Chekhov Museum-Reserve «Melikhovo» and the Director of the International Theatre Festival «Melikhovo Spring». In 2013–2014, he was the Chief Director of the State Theatre of Film Actor in Moscow.
An active lecturer, he has taught at the Boris Shchukin Theatre Institute and, from 2014 to 2020, and served as the Dean of the Directing Faculty at GITIS, where he also led an acting-directing studio.
In 2023–2024, he was a Visiting Professor at the Shanghai Theatre Academy and is an Honorary Professor at the Shanghai Film Academy. He is the founder and head of the international educational programme «Chekhov Institute» and has conducted acting and directing workshops in various countries, including Armenia.


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