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Arevik Evoyan: Carpet weaving as craft, heritage and innovation

March 10,2025 11:30

The Armenian Weekly. Arevik Evoyan considers carpet weaving not just a craft but an important part of her life story.

Born in the village of Dsegh in Armenia’s Lori province, Evoyan was immersed in the art of carpet weaving from childhood. She grew up watching her mother, a master weaver, and learning the techniques firsthand. For Evoyan, carpet weaving is a family heritage—a legacy lovingly passed down through generations. In 2016, she decided to seriously dedicate herself to the craft. She was 21 years old.

Evoyan says that carpet weaving is not just a skill—it is a cultural heritage, an art form carrying centuries of history. To this day, her most sincere feedback is from her mother, who sometimes marvels at her daughter’s abilities, acknowledging that the student has surpassed the teacher. Although Evoyan has always been interested in other art forms, such as pottery, embroidery and felt making, she feels the strongest connection to carpet weaving.

One of the biggest challenges she faced early on was acquiring high-quality materials and wool threads, which are essential for color experimentation. Another challenge was the lack of appreciation for the uniqueness and complexity of carpet weaving. Some of her clients demand technically impossible solutions or do not understand the long process of creating a carpet—which can take anywhere from one day to an entire month, depending on the size of the piece.

However, over time, Evoyan has found her style, developing a recognizable signature, defining the value of her work with greater confidence. “It is similar to painting; the threads are like paints, and the carpet is the canvas,” she told the Weekly. With each piece, she conveys her thoughts and emotions, believing that the energy with which the work is created is later transferred to those who display it in their home.

“I pour my energy into every piece,” she added. “The final product is not just a carpet; it’s a part of me, a reflection of my feelings and thoughts at the time I made it.”

While Evoyan values traditional approaches, she also strives to transform carpet weaving into a means of contemporary expression. In her creations, one can see representations of outer space, aliens, sports and even robots. She incorporates bold innovation, exploring beyond traditional Armenian patterns and creating works that reflect contemporary images and themes. Clients are often surprised to see how innovative carpet weaving can be.

Today, Evoyan’s carpets can be found in 15 countries. She has woven nearly 2,000 pieces and feels confident that she still has many ideas to bring to life. One of her biggest goals is to open her own workshop, where she can not only weave carpets but also teach the new generation. Her dream is that people will not be afraid of bold color combinations and innovative solutions, and will see carpet weaving not just as a traditional craft but also as a powerful means of self-expression.

“Even if there is no profit, even if there are no clients, I still want to weave,” Evoyan said.

Armik Grigoryan

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