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The Council of Europe fully supports the normalisation of relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan and shall continue to provide its support

March 14,2025 17:38
Armenia and Azerbaijan: statement by Secretary General Alain Berset

The Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Alain Berset, has welcomed the announcements of Armenia and Azerbaijan on the finalisation of negotiations on the draft Agreement on Peace and Establishment of Interstate Relations.

When joining the Council of Europe in 2001, both countries pledged to work towards peaceful cooperation. This draft Agreement is evidence of the will in both member states to fulfil this potential and build a stable and lasting peace in the region. It is now crucial to maintain this momentum and ensure the smooth completion of this process, in the spirit of good neighbourly relations and with full respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity of both countries, in line with the Statute of the Council of Europe.

The Council of Europe fully supports the normalisation of relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan and shall continue to provide its support and assistance to both member states, in particular with the aim of ensuring full respect for human rights, democracy and the rule of law.

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