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New regulations are proposed to law On Assessment of Person’s Functionality

March 25,2025 15:00

The necessity to revise the package is due to the fact that under the Law On Assessment of Person’s Functionality, control over the procedure for assessing a person’s functionality has been entrusted to the Health and Labor Inspection Body, however, apart from the above, no other regulation, including the tools and procedure for implementing supervision, has yet been established. The Head of the Inspection Bodies’ Coordination Bureau at the RA Prime Minister’s Office Petros Martirosyan said this, presenting in the first reading the legislative package On Assessment of Person’s Functionality and On Amending the RA Code on Administrative Offences at the sitting of the National Assembly on March 25.

The rapporteur informed that some regulations are proposed to regulate the issue. The adoption of the initiative is expected to ensure proper control over the functions (authorities) performed by competent bodies, organizations, committees and individuals aimed at assessing a person’s functionality and implementing measures provided for in the individual service programme.

Petros Martirosyan informed that in the event of a violation of the conditions and requirements established by the legislation on the assessment of a person’s functionality during the observation, the Head of the inspection body or the official conducting the observation on his/her instructions, based on the nature of the violation, submits a petition to the authorized body and the state body competent in the field of assessment of a person’s functionality regarding the review of the administrative act on the assessment of a person’s functionality.

The authorized body also submits a petition to revoke the certificate issued to a specialist involved in the process of assessing a person’s functionality, and the authorized state administration body in the field of healthcare submits it to revoke the individual license of a medical professional who referred a person for a functionality assessment, if the medical professional has committed a violation in at least three referral cases within a year.

The Deputy Chair of the NA Standing Committee on Health Care Hripsime Hunanyan presented the endorsement of the Committee on the legislative package.


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