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According to Hrant Bagratyan, the President of the Republic of Armenia makes fun of the people

December 22,2011 16:43

Armeniahas no prospect in 2012 – predicted economist Hrant Bagratyan, a member of the Armenian National Congress (ANC) at “Hayeli” (mirror) club today. According to him, the 4-5% growth does not correspond to the reality, “Folks, agriculture is in the first place among their ‘drivers’ of growth. According to them, 10-15% growth was shown in agriculture. If there was a blackboard, I would draw and ask you to take and show it to the Prime Minister. The population size has decreased by 3%, eaters have shrunk by 120 thousand. Adding this to each other, the price for agricultural goods should have decreased by 18%, but that price has increased by 12.5%. They must face a trial. Go and say to your Prime Minister, what was his name, Davtyan, how does such a thing happen? I urged Serzh on October 28, let’s go to 200 villages and check, grapes were twice more. They didn’t come, he knows what Bagratyan is talking about. They stated it would be 220 tons, but they produced 105 thousand. The country is going down the drain day by day, he is making fun of the people. He makes fun best who makes fun last.”

According to Mr. Bagratyan, in the pre-election year, the establishment will make public a program how they will increase the pension of old men, “Which they will not realize, because they will probably not be in power after May. In order that you imagine the scale of their lie, let me make an example. The Prime Minister published a program aiming at exporting the industry policy. He says there will be $5 billion exports in year 2020. When this man became a Prime Minister in 2007, the exports were $1.7 billion. In 2010 they were $1.1 billion, if he hadn’t done anything (the exports value increases by 8% every year), $1.7 billion would have become $6.5 billion. In case of 8%, it doubles in 8 years. In 2020 it would have become 6 billion. Thanks to this man’s program, it will be not $6, but $5 billion. God damn him! And this guy gathers people and expresses some ideas. There is no prospect in 2012.”

The economist remembers that there has been no effective step taken by the Cabinet and if there was something, they adopted it from ANC, “The certificate they adopted in regard to the maternity houses was our suggestion.”

In response to an observation that the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF) criticizes that ANC and the Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) pursue the same policy, “The gas case – when we started, they adopted the same thing from us and took it to the parliament. If there was any economic idea in their sayings since 1915, they repeated what we had said at best.”

According to the economist’s observation, the establishment has decreased the Armenian economy by 20%, “They say 2.6% growth, and the World Bank says 1%. And the economy around the world has increased after the crisis by 5%.” According to Bagratyan, they should set a quota, in order that mines are not robbed as they are nowadays, “If it goes on like this, there will be no mine in 10 years.”




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