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Prescott’s behavior entertained Naira Zohrabyan

January 20,2012 16:20

“I read very excited comments of my friends the other day that PACE is against proportional representation. That viewpoint made me laugh”, stated Naira Zohrabyan, a Prosperous Armenia Party (PAP) member during the forum organized by the Heritage Party and the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF) today.

Mrs. Zohrabyan was entertained also by the behavior of the PACE co-rapporteur “smashing his fist or I don’t know what down on the table.” She stated that every responsible figure, political force should not allow them to come and dictate us our political stage, through which system the society should conduct elections. In her opinion, the European functionaries’ role in all this is “being neutral observers.” Naira Zohrabyan is leaving for Brussels and Strasburg on the upcoming days, where she will voice her demand.

Let us remind that on January 16, during a meeting with the Armenian delegation to PACE, PACE co-rapporteur on Armenia John Prescott, according to Armen Rustamyan, a member of our delegation and the representative of the ARF supreme body, got angry and smashed his fist down on the table, when the delegation tried to express the necessity for conducting parliamentary elections through 100% proportional representation.


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