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Hrant Bagratyan thinks Tsarukyan’s force is industrial

February 10,2012 17:10

Three forces with different economic ideologies have formed on the political stage. Armenian National Congress (ANC) member, economist Hrant Bagratyan expressed that idea at the Post Scriptum Club today. According to him, the first force is the Republicans, “The policy in effect is financial-oligarchic capitalism, the next one is Tsarukyan’s force that thinks the responsibility to businessmen should be increased and that work should be more centralized. I think this force is a bit industrial and the ANC, the ideology of which is people’s capitalism.”

In Hrant Bagratyan’s words, the ANC thinks that according to people’s capitalism, 300 to 400 thousand people will be actively engaged in business within the upcoming 3 years and afterwards that number will be increased, “Usually people don’t take that path either, because a villager sometimes prefers to be a hired hand, he says it is hard, he cannot cultivate the land, let someone else cultivates it and he will work as a hired hand and he leaves for Russia after being a hired hand for half a year.”

Mr. Bagratyan assured that the current Cabinet did what ANC said in a distorted, good or bad way, “We told them to restrain Samvel Alexanyan, he caused destruction, now the Prime Minister speaks of that, but he speaks of that only for show and not to fix it. Three years ago we said there was total imbalance, they mocked us, sued us, today he reads a lecture on total imbalance. Today a big struggle is under way between economic forces.”




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