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Advice for Candidates

March 21,2012 12:35

The more I hear or read speeches of majoritarian and proportional candidates, the more I understand that the majority of those people do not understand why they want to appear in the National Assembly. It is quite natural that Manvel, Seyran, Liska, Schmeiss or Navo don’t understand that. I proposed educational qualification long ago, in order to exclude such people. In that instance, one should write a not so difficult (7th-grade) dictation, in order to be registered as an MP candidate and if the aspirant makes more than 10 serious mistakes, he is just not registered. We talk so much about the importance of the official language, about the international book capital and other related topics and we are unwilling to require of representatives of the supreme legislative body of the Republic of Armenia to know that official language, as much as 7th-grade students know it. There are things that people should do personally without many Jeeps and bodyguards – one of such difficult things is to use one’s own brain.

However, even the majority of literate people don’t, unfortunately, realize well what they will do in the parliament. There banal answers – honest or not – are: I want to build a more beautiful, more just and more powerfulArmenia; I want to have respectable citizens of a proud country. Wonderful. However, why on should become an MP for that? In my opinion, MP is a person who draws up bills for reaching wonderful goals. And that can be done only by professionals. Professionals not with a diploma (the above-mentioned intellectuals can buy a few dozens of diplomas for themselves), but with real knowledge. I can express an abstract wish “I want to write such music that Mozart wrote,” however, the necessary, but not satisfactory condition is for me to know how notes are written.

Knowledge doesn’t also suffice – there should be a system of values, based on which MPs draw up bills trying to reach the goals and the beautiful and sweetArmeniathey advocate. To put it simply, liberal proposes such bills that will promote business, socialist tries to pass a law that will protect people’s social rights under the conditions of free market and nationalist, let’s say, thinks how to declare war against Turkey and go and conquer Mount Ararat. Those are certainly primitive schemes, life is more complex, but real legislative effort should be put in this direction. Therefore, one can advise candidates, who really want to be engaged in legislative activities and not to continue robbing, to think what their real wish is and as the saying goes, “To learn, to learn, to learn!”



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