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“I Demand That You Attack Me”

April 05,2012 12:47

The meaning of ultimatums common in the political and intergovernmental practice is the following, “If YOU don’t do this, then I will take a certain step.” So the one who gives an ultimatum has power and ability to take a certain step in case of not fulfilling his demand. E.g., if you don’t stand by the people (i.e. me), you are the people’s enemy. One who makes such threats has the ability to “have his say.”  However, if the ultimatum is defined in the following manner ‘If YOU don’t do this within the next 5 days, YOU will have to do that,’ it is a wrong type of ultimatum. Because the man who makes such a threat has no leverage to force the other person to take that second step. Khachik Asryan, the “chief eagle” of Armenia, made such a wrong threat yesterday, “If the Azerbaijani President doesn’t apologize to the Armenian people within the next 5 days,” says Mr. Asryan, “Then Aliyev has to declare a war.” Demanding an opponent to attack you is certainly a novelty in the field of foreign policy.

Ilham Aliyev has made an Armenophobic statement neither for the first and nor for the last time. Probably the representatives of our state and political forces should sometimes respond to that at the international level. However, I don’t understand what point there is in some NGO’s boasting about that. For what and to whom do we show our courage? Do we improve the morale of our people? It seems to me quite the opposite – the Azerbaijanis as the defeated side should boast and threaten, trying to overcome their inhibitions by that. And we should explain them calmly and patiently that they must comply with the realities and there is no alternative to peaceful co-existence.

The statement of the “eagles” is written in the manner, in which our public spokespersons and figures also “author” in our internal life – “fuehrer of a pack,” “sultan,” “favorite dancer of harems” etc.

I continue claiming that personal offenses offend the one who makes them and testify to his weakness. And when Mr. Asryan points out our Aryan origin and says that the Azerbaijani nation is “imaginary,” it means that he opposes racism with racism.

Naturally, I wouldn’t have talked about this statement, if its author hadn’t been on the ruling Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) list for proportional representation.



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