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The Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) MP Assures That the Prosperous Armenia Party (PAP) Cannot Oppose Them (Video)

May 12,2012 13:52

“The Republican Party didn’t hand out election bribe and the parties that are involved in that the most talk about it,” Karine Achemyan, an RPA MP, expressed this idea during a press conference today. During a conversation with, Ms. Achemyan explained the fact that Levon Zurabyan, a member of the ANC, had blamed the Republican Party (RPA) for the PAP’s engagement in election bribery the day before by the negative attitude of the ANC toward themselves, “The ANC has chosen us a target and continuously works against us, but it is not that fair.” She has noticed progress in relations

between the ANC and the PAP too, “They form some unions, make statements, but I don’t think that anything serious underlies it… The Prosperous Armenia Party cannot see us as an adversary or a target and it didn’t choose us as a target during the election either – it perceived us as a rival.”


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