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“The Prosperous Armenia Party (PAP) Handed out the Most Election Bribe,” an Armenian National Congress (ANC) Member Says

May 21,2012 16:05

Today the Democratic Motherland Party made a statement, in which there is the following line, “The opposition participated in the work of the joint staff against election fraud, one of the initiators of which was a coalition force that was engaged in election bribery.” In this regard, during a conversation with, ANC member Petros Makeyan, the leader of the party,

explained that criticism of the PAP in the following manner, “I said many times during the election that the Prosperous Armenia Party was engaged in collecting passport data and election bribery, if not as, then more intensively. It handed out more, therefore, its candidate won.”

In response to our observation that his opinion differed from that of the ANC in that regard, because other members of the ANC – Levon Zurabyan, Gurgen Yeghiazaryan, Lyudmila Sargsyan – tried to avoid issues related to the PAP’s engagement in election bribery, Mr. Makeyan said, “It is what I saw in my electoral district – the PAP handed out the most election bribe. There were candidates from all three – both the Republican Party and the Rule of Law Party (RLP). There were candidates of all three. There was no electoral district in the whole republic, where there were candidates from all three parties and they all competed in handing out money. The PAP handed out the most, that’s why it won.”

We tried to get a clarification once again whether according to him, the PAP had handed out the most election bribe, Mr. Makeyan responded, “It is the reality.”

Let us remind that Petros Makeyan was nominated in no. 36 electoral district extending over the districts of Artik and Maralik. RLP member Hunan Petrosyan, the headman of the village of Meghrashen, RPA member Mkhitar Varagyan and PAP member Mushegh Petoyan competed with him.


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