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Bagratyan Promises That Many Legislative Proposals Will Stick in the Cabinet’s Throat in the Fall (Video)

June 02,2012 00:04

In the fall, legislative proposals will be made in the National Assembly, a considerable part of which will stick in the Cabinet’s throat. Today, during a meeting with a group of citizens, Hrant Bagratyan, an Armenian National Congress (ANC) MP, said, “They are the majority and they feel quite confident,

but everything is relative, everything changes – if you are changing, it changes one day.”

One of the citizens inquired from Mr. Bagratyan whether he will appear in the parliament aggressively and boldly. Mr. Bagratyan remarked in response, “What is aggressive? I am telling you 1000 percent that the minimum wage will have been 72 500 AMD by the end of September. They will start to disprove, they will tell to ground, to bring money from the budget, it has nothing to do with the budget. Increasing the minimum wage will bring about diminishment of the shadow economy, it strikes a blow at those oligarch who put 32 000 AMD in the ATM and the rest in their pockets.”

One of the people gathered trusted him his confidences, “You know, Mr. Bagratyan, Serzh said that you should not reject, you should adopt as a law whatever the Cabinet would submit to the parliament.” In response, H. Bagratyan said that the first document they would oppose would be the Cabinet’s program, “I am honestly telling you that if it is a good program, I will right on it ‘good program.’ I expect they will bring a rather abstract program, in order that we may not find fault with it. I assure you that they will be cornered in many issues, they will have to show in the program how they will distribute power, property and wealth.”

Mr. Bagratyan said that the most important thing was to maintain street meetings and he would inform about the place and time of meetings every month on his Faebook page.


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