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“If Our Interests Coincide With Those of the Prosperous Armenia Party (PAP)…,” an Armenian National Congress (ANC) Member Says

September 05,2012 16:02

 “If our interests coincide with those of the Prosperous Armenia Party and not only of the PAP – this is how it is in politics, if at a certain point in time, one force’s interests coincide with those of another force, they cooperate on that interest,” Armenak Dovlatyan, a member of the ANC and the leader of the Green Party of Armenia, made this assessment during a conversation with today. We asked to clarify whether the ANC didn’t have principles, Mr. Dovlatyan said, “Principles are both present and not present in politics. They may be enemies tomorrow, but friends today. However, there are things that one should take into account in any case.” In response to our question what that interest was, whether it was the presidential election, he said that it could be on any issue, “They can cooperate on a bill and for example, vote jointly.”

We inquired of him whether the position of the ANC could change given the fact that the previous day Serzh Sargsyan, the President of the Republic of Armenia, had clearly stated that Samvel Balasanyan wasn’t a stranger to them, nor was the PAP their opponent, so basically the Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) and the PAP closely cooperated in the local elections. Mr. Dovlatyan replied, “I don’t know whether there is or there isn’t a position of the ANC on the PAP as such.” In response to our observation that we had seen recently the ANC and the PAP closely cooperate, Mr. Dovlatyan said, “You see and we don’t.” We reminded the cooperation in the joint staff before the parliamentary election, as well as ANC leader Levon Ter-Petrossian’s speeches on the PAP; Mr. Dovlatyan responded in the following manner, “The joint staff was a general cooperation regarding the election not only with the PAP, but also with the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF), in order to try to hold a more or less normal election.”

As for Levon Ter-Petrossian’s speeches, Mr. Dovlatyan observed, “Now the mass media are trying to find some things, some implications, they are trying to say something. It is not very polite.”

In response to our question where the PAP was on the political stage for him, where he saw them, whether it was an opposition or a pro-government force, he said, “The Prosperous Armenia Party is neither an opposition nor a pro-government force today; it is an institution of a unique kind.”

As for the cooperation between the RPA and the PAP, Mr. Dovlatyan noted that every force cooperated with different forces, “It is their business. I don’t wish to answer on behalf of the Prosperous Armenia Party with whom they cooperate and how.”


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