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“It is an Emotional, Rather Than Serious Political Letter,” Karine Achemyan Says

September 24,2012 15:11

Today Raffi Hovhannisyan addressed a letter with 15 demands to President of the Republic of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan, in which he wrote about the elections held and to be held in the

Republic of Armenia and possible ways of overcoming the challenges posed by those. Aravot inquired of Karine Achemyan, a member of the Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) parliamentary group whether being an RPA member, she agreed with the demands made in the letter and whether she thought that the time to address a letter to the President of the Republic of Armenia was chosen intentionally. Ms. Achemyan said during a conversation with us, “This is a letter of wishes addressed to the President of the Republic of Armenia. I don’t agree with many points mentioned there, since those are untimely. For example, Point 11, which mentions equal access to television, radio and other mass media – including billboards and posters – for parties. But that problem was solved even in favor of smaller parties long ago. As a big party, we are reported on much less than smaller and opposition parties. Therefore, it is untimely to put forward this problem once again. If we apply, we should apply in an organized manner. According to my assessment, it is an emotional letter and the emphases are emotional.”

In Point 6, R. Hovhannisyan writes addressing the President, “To rule out your own party activities in the Presidential Palace.” In this regard, Ms. Achemyan said, “As for the President’s party membership, one should mention that it is ungrounded to accuse the President of party membership, since he has never abused his party position. His balanced attitude contributes to all parties’ ability to freely pursue their activities.”

As for the time of writing a letter, the RPA MP said, “The time also matters, since we have an election ahead of us. The letter is written entirely in Raffi Hovhannisyan’s style. One could express such desires too, but I don’t think this is a serious political letter, I repeat it is an emotional letter.”


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