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Vahan Hovhannisyan Hasn’t Heard about Serzh Sargsyan’s Program, Nor Has He Read It

December 19,2012 15:08


 “It was not the first time that he talked and affirmed. Unfortunately, we haven’t seen serious and effective struggle against monopolies so far. We haven’t seen,” Vahan Hovhannisyan, an MP and a member of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF) Bureau, said in response to a question of what he thought of a provision in Serzh Sargsyan’s election program about eliminating monopolies, which he had talked about at the Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) congress last Saturday. Our interlocutor didn’t make a full assessment of the program, since he hadn’t heard Serzh Sargsyan’s speech, nor had he read about it.

We asked Mr. Hovhannisyan to compare the article about eliminating monopolies in the president’s program with the activities of the RPA majority. Let us remind that the RPA and the Rule of Law Party (RLP) voted against the antimonopoly bill put forward by the Armenian National Congress (ANC). “It was expectable. Unfortunately, the groups that account for the majority in the parliament haven’t been independent parliamentary forces for a long time. They are the government’s stooges,” Vahan Hovhannisyan said.


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