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The Important and the Urgent

December 22,2012 13:11

The “end of the world” certainly was a joke or a trick of some charlatans, but this false “fuss” makes one think what he would have done, if that prediction had been accurate. Are there pressing things that we should do before the “end of the world,” within a month, a week or a day? I don’t know whether it is good or bad, but I personally couldn’t imagine things that I should do. So there is nothing I would have done before the “end of the world,” “I want to climb Mount Everest again, make a parachute jump or smoke a joint before the end of the world comes.” There is no such pressing thing, without which I would have considered my life unfinished, incomplete. Certainly, I have plans and aspirations, as every live, breathing human being on the planet. However, those are not “one-move combinations.” Guess I plan to read this book this month, another book next month. I understand that I cannot stuff my head with the content of those books in a few minutes; I have to read them page by page, line by line, word by word. Moreover, if I want to understand the content of a book, I have to read it exactly that way and not as I read comments on the internet. For example, the comments under these notes of mine; when I see this or that nickname, I almost exactly know what the reader has written. One cannot read a serious book like that.

As you can understand, reading a book is just an example. The same thing applies to a tree or a lawn; if I want to achieve any result, I have to look after them, regularly water, clip, inject etc. Naturally, it is quite probable that my own life will not be sufficient for that. However, it is not the end of the world, because if someone cares for that tree, he will continue my work from where I stopped. It is not a dose of narcotics, which can be taken very quickly, and one can immediately reach a state of euphoria.

There is an anxious expectation of the “end” in our national mentality (caused by the hardship our people experienced in the past) and some impatience that stems from it, “I need to make three 6-6 rolls, and I will gammon,” “Come on, come on,” “Smash him, the end of the world is coming” etc. Unfortunately, it is never the case. Something can emerge only through methodical work.

I have heard an interesting saying lately, what is urgent is unimportant, what is important is not urgent.


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