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“You Must Have Permission to Film,” a Police Officer Says (Video)

April 22,2013 10:40

The police officer watching over the house of the Chief of Police of the Republic of Armenia impeded the journalist’s work.

Vardges Gaspari, a civic activist, protested outside the house of Vladimir Gasparyan, the Chief of Police of the Republic of Armenia, again this evening. “The police torture many

people; don’t they bother the families of those people? Today Tigran Arakelyan is in prison on a made-up charge and based on false testimonies of police officers, his 52-year-old father has died of a heart attack. We have some aristocratic class, which is untouchable, and ordinary citizens are, as it were, serfs…; I should not protest in the neighborhood, lest, God forbid, the wife and children of the chief of police find out what person Vladimir Gasparyan is, is that it? I don’t want to bother his family, but his neighbors should know who their neighbor is. Do they know that Vladimir Gasparyan appointed a man who tortured Grisha Virabyan as Yerevan police chief? It means nothing but making a mockery of the European values. Instead of being discharged from the system, the torturer gets a promotion,” Mr. Gaspari said during a conversation with, making his demands and explaining why he was protesting outside the house of the chief of police and not outside the police. Police officers prevented V. Gaspari’s peaceful protest. Seeing the camera of, one of the police officers who introduced himself as Tigran Karapetyan claimed: “You should have permission to film us. Please, tell me that you are filming, so that I step aside, don’t film me!” Then he lost control of himself and started to yell and impeded the work of Later on six red berets joined the police officers watching over the house of the chief of police. V. Gaspari’s protest ended without a brawl.


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