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Why has Ter-Petrosyan refused to meet with Fisher and Alan Mill? Levon Zurabyan confirmed

June 11,2015 14:30

Co-Rapporteurs on Armenia of the PACE Monitoring Committee, Axel Fischer and Alan Mill, at the National Assembly. They had meetings with representatives of the parliamentary opposition factions. In the interview with, ANC faction leader Levon Zurabyan said that they have discussed the latest political developments, the constitutional reforms, the human rights issues, political prisoners and the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. “First of all, I have submitted in writing all the problems related to democracy and human rights. I have informed them that there are two changes in the situation. One of them is related to Zhirayr Sefilyan and the other with the developments of the law on Constitutional Referendum. I reconfirm that Serzh Sargsyan has a program to reproduce his power, and the constitutional reform pursues this goal, there is no serious argument to change the management model. When there is no vast consensus in the country, when the consensus was formed, the government used violence against PAP and Gagik Tsarukyan for one purpose – to extinguish the popular unrest and to ruin this alliance of the opposition.”

Levon Zurabyan said that with regard to the February events, co-rapporteurs have said what he has said at the National Assembly sessions and rallies. We clarified whether it is true that they want to meet with Levon Ter-Petrosyan and the latter has refused. Levon Zurabyan confirmed, “It’s true. The meeting did not take place.” As to what the reason was, Levon Zurabyan explained as follows, “These meetings in the past have not produced significant results. Ter-Petrosyan did not consider it appropriate.” In fact, we had informed that Gagik Tsarukyan and Raffi Hovhannisyan had also refused to meet with Alan Mill and Fischer, but the Heritage party’s spokesman David Sanasaryan informed that Raffi Hovhannisyan has not refused, simply he is out of the country.


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